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Junior High Health
This course focuses on Wellness Choices, Relationship Choices, and Life Learning Choices. For each module, students will complete weekly tasks and a final project.
Science 7 (24/25)
While taking Science 7, students will experience a wide variety of scientific subjects, beginning with evaluating the interactions between and among organisms within ecosystems, as well as a special e...
Science 8 (24/25)
In Science 8, students will develop their knowledge in the areas of basic chemistry, physics, and biology. A study of matter, centered around the periodic table of elements, introduces students to the...
Science 9 (24/25)
Science 9 continues a basic study of all fields of scientific inquiry. Students will examine biological diversity, its importance, as well as the impacts upon it by human activity. Students will evalu...
Social Studies 7 (24/25)
Grade 7 students will explore the origins, histories and movement of peoples who forged the foundations of Canadian Confederation. They will examine how the political, demographic, economic and social...
Online Social Studies 8 (24/25)
Grade 8 students will examine issues related to contact between societies with differing worldviews. They will explore elements of worldviews and how these views are expressed by people living in diff...
Online Social Studies 9 (24/25)
Grade 9 students will analyze the relationship between Canada’s political and legislative processes and their impact on issues pertaining to governance, rights, citizenship and identity. Students wi...
Physics 20 U S2 (24/25) copy 1
Textbook: none required Some materials adapted from Structured Independent Learning by Dr. Ron. Licht which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internat...